Friday, February 25, 2005

Stem Cell Research Threatened by Legislation

The public debate is often aroused by scientific areas of investigation. Such is the case with the field of stem cell research.

Missouri so far has had by far the highest rate of varied opinions, for quite a while. While State legislators have introduced bills in both the Missouri House and Senate to ban a technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), criminalizing certain kinds of research into medical uses of embryonic stem cells in Missouri, Missouri research institutions, including Washington University, have come out in strong opposition to the legislation. These groups are joining with other organizations to form the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures.

Now the fight has moved to California and now some taxpayer groups and a pro-life legal firm have filed suit to shut off the funding. The suit, filed in state court, argues that the California Constitution makes it clear any taxpayer money must be under the exclusive management and control of the state.

Waiting to see what others come up with just for the sake of dragging down something that not only that's moving very slow (it's been 5 years since stem cell research hit main stream), but could be the new era of human development.