Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Harvard Stem Cell Researcher Urges State to Endorse Controversial Science

A leading researcher in human embryonic stem cells urged lawmakers and business leaders on Tuesday to send message of support for the controversial science or risk losing top scientists to other states who have passed supportive laws and put up funding.

Douglas Melton, the co-director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, told about 150 people at a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce breakfast that there could be a great future for Massachusetts in terms of science and economic opportunities.

Current Massachusetts' laws are unclear as to whether such research is even legal, and other states have moved quickly to pass legislation welcoming stem cell research. California backed its laws with a $3 billion bond issue.

"I'm not saying it's a disastrous situation," Melton said. "I think this is a time to make a decision in this state about whether we do want to invest...."

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