Thursday, February 09, 2006

Missouri - Stem Cell Debate Impacts GOP

Sen. Jim Talent, a Missouri Republican, who has co-sponsored a Senate bill to ban embryonic stem cell research and impose a million-dollar fine and 10-year jail sentence on violators, could have his re-election chances undermined by a split between social conservatives and moderate Republicans over embryonic stem cells research.

A coalition of business leaders and medical research institutions is gathering support for a Nov. 7 ballot initiative that would amend the Missouri constitution to safeguard stem cell research and treatments in the state.

The senator is facing a strong challenge in November from Democratic state auditor Claire McCaskill.
"If Talent comes out in favor of stem cell research, he loses support from the evangelicals," said Max Skidmore, professor of political science at University of Missouri-Kansas City. "If he opposes it, he'll lose support from the business community that otherwise might support him."

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