Sunday, August 28, 2005

Christian Coalition Urges Senate to Delay Embryonic Stem Cell Vote

Christian Coalition of America urges Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to delay the Senate vote on the bill allowing federal tax dollars to be used on human embryo stem cell destruction, the Castle-DeGette bill passed earlier this summer in the U.S. House of Representatives sponsored by Senator Arlen Specter, because of promising exciting breakthroughs in production of large amounts of embryonic like stem cells from umbilical cord blood. This breakthrough should effectively stop the unethical research resulting in the killing of human embryos.

Roberta Combs, President of the Christian Coalition of America said,
"Now there is no reason for the Senate leadership to schedule a vote this year, or ever, on the bill forcing taxpayers to pay for the immoral destruction of human embryos, after the exciting announcement of promising cord blood research. A majority of the American people in a published poll in May (52%) oppose federal funding for this gruesome research while only 36% of the American people support such funding. Not only has such human embryo destruction research produced no results whatsoever, it now is unnecessary."

Christian Coalition Urges Bill Frist to Delay Embryonic Stem Cell Vote