Monday, June 06, 2005

Battling Hodgkin's Disease, Sen. Specter Says He's Exhibit a for Stem Cell Research

WASHINGTON Jun 2, 2005 — Sen. Arlen Specter, newly bald from chemotherapy treatments for Hodgkin's disease, held himself up on Wednesday as Exhibit A for the possible benefits of embryonic stem cell research.

A day after the House voted to overturn President Bush's prohibition on federal funding for research using cells from human embryos fertilized after 2001, Specter said similar action by the Senate would give hope to himself and others with Alzheimer's disease, diabetes and cancer.

The Pennsylvania Republican called Bush's promise to veto any relaxation of his restrictions on funding stem cell research an affront to millions of people with diseases that might be treated or even cured with federal dollars propelling the science.

"I look in the mirror every day, barely recognize myself," he said. "And not to have the availability of the best of medical care is simply atrocious."

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